Sunday, September 22, 2013

Blessed Mabon!

This morning I was blessed to awake to the sound of rain falling and the birds chirping. I had fallen asleep with the bedroom open, so the bedroom was brisk and I could tell I had slept VERY hard. As I lay there, stretching and listening to nature, my cat joined me and we watched the birds in the Fig tree outside my bedroom window.

When I heard the coffee finish brewing its morning elixir, I finally got out of bed. What a lovely start to this wonderful day! For breakfast, we had pears from the garden with toast. Yum!

I've spent the day thus far editing for the Pagan Times October issue, writing my October article (which I will publish here with more photos once the issue is published), washing clothes and enjoying the 70 degree rainy day. The windows are open and airing out the house from the stuffy summer air.

I look forward to the upcoming season. It is my most favorite half of the year. The dark half. The time for baking, keeping warm in front of the fire and losing weight. I always gain weight in the summer due to being confined indoors... I don't do hot!

Tonight I'll celebrate with a ritual with my online Archaic Temple of Arcere friends. The hubby and I will have Roasted Chicken breasts, a Pear Pound Cake (I don't have apple trees), corn on the cob (this was store bought) and a roasted butternut squash. Writing that made my belly rumble, lol!

May you all have a very lovely celebration.