Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Properties of Black Pepper with Recipe for Uncrossing Oil and Spell to Ward Off the Evil Eye

Name: Pepper

Name (Botanical Name): Piper nigrum

Also Know As: Black Pepper

Habitat:  Tropical plan native to India. The plant is propagated by cuttings and grown at the base of trees with a rough, prickly bark to support them. Between three or four years after planting they commence fruiting and their productiveness ends about the fifteenth year. The berries are collected as soon as they turn red and before they are quite ripe; they are then dried in the sun. 

Location: Found in the South India wild, and in Cochin, China. It is also cultivated in East and West Indies, Malay Peninsula, Malay Archipelago, Siam, Malabar, etc. 

Gender: Masculine

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars; in Persian astrological magic, pepper is an ingredient in invoking the planetary influence of Venus for granting one's wishes.  


Culinary Properties: As an aromatic, it is the most popular spice in the world.  

Magickal Properties: Banishing negativity, exorcism, and protection from evil. Burn to rid the home or office of bad vibrations (followed by Sage). Carry with you to ward off jealousy. Aids in summoning courage to face things. Can be used to protect against the evil eye. When worn, frees the mind of envious thoughts. Mixed with salt and scattered about property it dispels evil. Excellent in building protection, strength, confidence and inventiveness. Often incorporated into blends aimed at martial deities, like war gods.   

Warnings: Peppercorns can be used in incense for strength and for warrior alertness, but don’t put too many or the smoke will be irritating!


Uncrossing Oil
Essential oil of hyssop
Essential oil of angelica
Essential oil of frankincense
a pinch of sea salt
a pinch of black pepper
a pinch of cayenne pepper
a sprig of rue
a sliver of fresh garlic
a section of broken chain, e.g., from a key-chain or necklace
Add the ingredients to a bottle filled with blended castor oil and jojoba oil. The crucial ingredients are the hyssop and the chain. Add the other ingredients as desired. Essential oil of angelica has photosensitizing properties: if worn on the body, avoid exposure to the sun.
Spell for Warding off the Evil Eye
Black pepper
Ginger root
6 white candles
One black candle
 This spell should be cast during a new moon phase
First cast a magical circle (hail to the guardians)
Next face the north and sit and meditate
Get up and light your candles clockwise all except for the black.
When you have lighted your white candles, use a white candle to light the black candle.
Then light the mixture of herbs and spices.
I cast you back, I have no fear
With the speed of wind and the dark of night
May all of your harboring take flight
With the swiftness of the sea
And all the power found in me
As I will so mote it be.
Then in a loud voice say,”I cast you out” 
Blow out the black candle as hard as you can.
Let the mixture burn, then draw an eye on the candle and wrap it in a white cloth and bury it on your property.

Cunningham, Scott. Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. 2012 Woodbury. Twentieth Printing. 1984 Llewellyn Publications

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sleep Protection & Dream Divination Mojo Bag

Mojo, aka spell, bags are one of my favorite methods of producing helpful healing spells. They are super easy to craft and very handy. By putting together most items the average practitioner has handy, you can create very useful and effective works!

As I completed my Correllian Shaman studies, I learned about mojo bags. I used one to help my foot pain and due to the success, I have developed additional spells over time. Remember that blog post? You can read it here.

The basics of the bag are simple. You merely need to have a pouch that you can keep close to your body. My preference is to cut a 3” circle, fill it with the bits I need, tie it shut with hemp cord, or color correspondence ribbon, and wear it around my neck or tucked into my bra.

In creating your bag, you simply pick the elements that are needed to complete your spell. For the spell I share today, I will be using the following items:

Black fabric  to defend against negativity. I am cheating today and using a piece of sock that I lost the pair to. This makes it even easier since all that I will need to do is tie it shut.
Brown hemp rope to bring peace during my sleep.
Tigers eye for insight
Clear quartz to defend against negativity (this is really important to me)
Rosemary for protection
Chamomile for a restful sleep
Dandeloin for a restful sleep and to attract friendly spirits
Tobacco to communicate with the spirits
Sage for wisdom
Rose for dreams
Basil for protection
Salt for strength
Anointed Lavender oil for final consecration and for a restful sleep.

Cast a circle, I also like to call corners... Be sure to cleans and consecrate all items before assembly.

From this point, as you work, be sure to repeat your intent.

Say something to the effect: “as I place each item in this bag, please Goddess use these to bless me with a restful sleep. Then state the intent of each item as you place it inside.” I will repeat as many times as I must as I concentrate on the intent, inputting positive energy into each item and ensuring that my desire is clear.  This will vary depending upon how many items you place in your bag.

Once you are finished placing all items inside, tie it shut. Then breathe into the bag, to breath life into it. Do a final anointing with the Lavender oil and chant your final intent. Mine was something to this effect

Please Goddess bless me with a restful sleep. May I be protected from any harm and may any messages I need to receive, come to me.

Once you finish, you will of course close your quarters and your circle!

I realize that much of this is very generalized, but we each have different goals in our workings. This is just to give you a good idea on how to create your bag. They work wonderfully!


Useful link in finding what you may want to use in a Mojo bag: http://www.witchipedia.com/table:correspondence-by-intent