Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wisteria Vines and a chat with my mentor

Today, I mentioned to my First Degree Mentor that every time I go for a hike in this specific forest I smell Wisteria. Today while we journeyed, I smelled them again but obviously it is November and Wisteria is not in bloom. The smell was definitely there as my beloved dog sniffed the air just as I did to enjoy the lovely scent. Up until today, I assumed that the vines were hiding from me but evident by their lovely scent. Today, I realized that is not so. Many of the trees are without leaves and I did not see any signs of any sort of scented flower anywhere in the area (or anywhere along our journey).

Courtesy of Wikipedia
My mentor referred me to a website which discussed the attributes of Wisteria. It says " incredibly durable vine, able to live (even flourish) through mistreatment and harsh conditions." The website goes on to say "The wisteria is a voracious grower with the ability to spread out over acres, spiraling out into impressive expanses. Symbolically, we might see this as an external reflection of our own expanding consciousness." I find it quite interesting that I smell this flower when I am out on a quest for items for my spiritual workings or just to recharge from an especially draining week at work. 

This same website says "...keep in mind the wisteria can be destructive in her growth, and requires discipline to avoid spiraling out of control (indeed, the vine has been known to take down entire buildings and trellises with her burdening weight). Wisteria reminds us that the journey into our conscious evolution is vital to our own blossoming. However left unchecked, or practiced without foundational discipline may cause unsavory results." This also applies to how I am. As I go through life I must be careful to remain disciplined in my growth, to keep myself in 'check' and to ensure I am studying and growing for the right reason... not the status quo reason. If I work towards status quo I eventually become drained, depressed and scatter-brained. The life objectives of the wisteria are quite similar to my spiritual needs. I found that quite interesting. 

As a child, I had many challenges that should have brought me into a life of misery and self pity. Fortunately, I didn't go there. The wisteria's attribute of flourishing despite maltreatment and harsh conditions hit me quite hard. I not only made it out of the BS, but I grew and flourished through the life I built in my adulthood. I have a feeling that my mentor is correct that plants can be life totem's just as animals can. I've had many 'run-ins' with wisteria through my years, the scent has made me smile often through the years and I really think this plant is important in my life. 


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