Sunday, December 30, 2012

Week 1 Report: Pagan Fitness Challenge

I am participating in the "Winter Pagan Fitness Challenge" I found at Pagan Health & Fitness. As I posted previously, the author asks us to come up with 5 things to go with the diet to represent the elements. The goals I chose were: 

Air~ Breathe more intently. Do yoga to practice healing breathing. 
Fire~ Feel the burn of working out!
Water~ Drink more of it!
Earth~ Focus on being more grounded in life. 
Spirit~ Work on my attitude and accepting me. Goddess made me a beautiful person now, I just have to own it! 

I don't want to focus on the pounds. I want to focus on being happy and both physically and spiritually healthy. 
My goal for the event is to earn 220 Photobucket broom points! I know it is ambitious, but I think it is totally doable. 

This week I increased my water to 7 glasses EVERY day this week! That was a great accomplishment as I had only been drinking 4-6 glasses daily (so I am giving myself 6 Photobucketpoints, 1 for each day of an extra glass). Also, I grounded 5 of 7 days and exercised two days (1 Photobucketpoint as I'm really not sure how to score that, lol). I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but it's more than I was doing. I also only found myself being self-critical twice, which is quite an accomplishment (not sure how to count those points, lol). 

For the week I have earned 7 Photobucketpoints, which is quite exciting!!! 

I'm loving this way of creating lifestyle changes. I don't think it's too late, yet, to join us on our journey. Be sure to go sign up ASAP! 

Next week, my goals are:
Air~ Breathe more intently. Do yoga to practice healing breathing. -- Goal is to do twice next week (1 point each)
Fire~ Feel the burn of working out! -- Goal is to do twice next week (1 point each)
Water~ Drink more of it! -- Goal is eight glasses every day next week (1 point each)
Earth~ Focus on being more grounded in life. -- Goal is to ground every morning (1 point each)
Spirit~ Work on my attitude and accepting me. Goddess made me a beautiful person now, I just have to own it! (no negativity to self... half point each day successful)

Photobucketpoints goal for the week is: 24.5 points!

Blessed be! 

Shaman's Staff

I am working on building a staff for my Correllian Shaman course. It is a work in progress, but I have completed the base of this project. I used a branch from a pear tree and sanded all of the bark off. I chose a pear because it represents love and affection.

I wood-burned a spiral running down the length of the staff, to represent life. I also wood-burned pentagrams on both the top and tip of the staff, to incorporate earth, air, fire, water and spirit.

There are dried herbs, that I grew this past season, wrapped under the hemp handle. Hemp was used since it is a natural fiber as well as its healing, vision and meditative qualities. Herbs worked in are: Rosemary, sage, basil, lavender, sweetgrass & mint. Each one was chosen due to its properties.

Rosemary: Protection, Love, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification & Healing
Sage: Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection & Wishes
Basil: Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying & Protection
Lavender: Love, Protection, Longevity, Purification, Happiness & Peace
Mint: Protection & Strength
Sweetgrass: Calling Spirits

I hope you all have a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Friday, December 21, 2012

My Totem Animals

As part of my Correllian Shaman course we were to find our own totem animals. This took me a bit to meditate on, but they finally came to me in a variety of ways. One was merely a presence,  two were discovered in dreams, one during a meditation session and one because it fits very well in my life... always has.

My first totem is the firefly. She came to me in a dream of my childhood. This dream was of my sister and I playing and catching fireflies at dusk. We were happy and laughing. When I awoke I knew this was to be one of my totems. Even as an adult, I enjoy watching lightning bugs at dusk. They bring me joy and I am in awe of their ability to produce light without electricity! 

My drawing of a firefly... looks more like a dragonfly doesn't it?
My firefly has been placed at the Star Nation location of my medicine wheel. The firefly represents inspiration and hope. It tells us to trust our own rhythms, both the physical and the spiritual. When the firefly presents itself it may also indicate that there have been a variety of misjudgments  or it may be warning of the possibility. It tells us to be sure we are focusing on the right things. She may also be telling us to look at our health habits, especially what we are eating. Positive hope is a critical component to fulfillment and inspiration. 
Firefly taking flight. Photo courtesy of

My next totem location is the Plant Nation. In this location I have placed the ladybug. She came to me before the assignment was given. I kept seeing ladybugs in November and even now in December I have seen two. This is quite unusual as ladybugs are most prevalent during warm weather months. 

Ladybugs represent a time of luck and protection while wishes are fulfilled. Worries begin to dissipate  New happiness may be coming into light. It is a time of shielding from our own aggravations and pests. The ladybug is never the aggressor, but they will defend. She reminds us to not try too hard to go too fast to fulfill our dreams. In due time, dreams will come true. 

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

My third totem is placed in the Cosmic Waters area of the medicine wheel. I have placed a dolphin in this location. This came to me during meditation. 

The dolphin represents joy and happiness; harmony with ones self and surroundings. It recognizes and balances the rhythms of body with those of nature. It also represents: wisdom, depth of emotions, playfulness  intelligence and communication. It is also a helper with dream interpretations. 

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

The fourth location is in the Stone Nation location of the Medicine Wheel. In this location I have placed the Horned Toad Lizard. This also came to me during a dream. After meditating one evening I had a dream about the horned toad I found in the front yard of my old house in South Texas. 

My Tribal representation of the Horned Toad Lizard
The Horned Toad is believed to be the grandfather, the creator, in animal form. It is thought to bring good luck. It helps you to better understand dreams and mental creations. It also helps you to face fears and ask for guidance in facing difficult situations that you fear. 

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

My final totem location is in the center of the Medicine Wheel. In this area I felt that the dog was best here. I have always had a bond with dogs, to the point that I have had strays come to me for medical help! Dogs, in my opinion, are the BEST mammals in the animal kingdom. 

Dogs represent loyalty, friendship and nobility. They give unconditional love and forgiveness  They have an uncanny ability to read situations and hold a high level of psychic awareness. 

My best friend!
This project was very enjoyable! It took a lot of time to meditate and think about what animals fit appropriately for me. Now, I need to assign the stones that represent all 29 locations of my wheel. More to come on that I am certain!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Little Bit Of This & That: The Winter Pagan Fitness Challenge

A Little Bit Of This & That: The Winter Pagan Fitness Challenge: So a friend of mine wrote this great blogpost about a Pagan Fitness Blog we've signed up for. The blog author is hosting a winter fitness challenge. She is hosting a check in, so it will hold you responsible for keeping up with your health goals!

She asks us to come up with 5 things to go with the diet to represent the elements so here are mine:

Air~ Breathe more intently. Do yoga to practice healing breathing. 
Fire~ Feel the burn of working out!
Water~ Drink more of it!
Earth~ Focus on being more grounded in life. 
Spirit~ Work on my attitude and accepting me. Goddess made me a beautiful person now, I just have to own it! 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Handmade Wind Chime - Air Activity

I am currently working through the Correllian Shaman course and had an assignment to make an item to represent air. I meditated and thought for days about how I wanted to accomplish this project and I was guided to build a wind chime. 

The materials were selected using Wiccan beliefs and construction was guided by Goddess as I cleansed, grounded and asked for her assistance throughout the entire process. Copper was chosen due to its link with Venus, its ability to conduct energy and its inspiration for health and balance. I am quite dedicated with working with energy and I am always striving for balance in my life. 

Then came choosing the wood. Sure, I could have just picked up wood while I was at the hardware store but I knew that I could find something more fitting in our stash. I went home and went through my husbands collection of wood. I was drawn to a piece of termite infested barn wood that was super heavy. I am inclined to think it is oak, but I cannot be totally certain. If you knew me, personally, you'd know that wood is my thing. I thought the termite damage appropriate for my assignment as the termite is a wondrous bug. It is an industrious being that completes its purpose with teamwork and strength. I took time to bless the wood to ensure that its destructive energy was appreciated, but not negatively incorporated to my purpose... I only want good destruction in my work, such as illness, negativity or strife. 

Then came the choice of string to hold my items together. I chose hemp due to its magickal properties. It amplifies magic, removes negative influence, and influences: healing, love, protection, psychic vision, peace and meditation. 

Now, onto the construction of this beauty. Keep in mind that  I invoked the goddess and god throughout the entire process to ensure that my creation was favored as its use is for magickal purposes. 

Hardware store:

5' length of 3/4" Type M copper tubing ($15)
Small Eyehooks ($1.50)
1 1/4" Cup Hook ($.55)
#6 Sheet Metal Screws - 1.5" long ($1.50)

Things around the house:
2 different pieces of antique barnwood - 1 piece was 1" thick, the other 2" thick.
1 piece of driftwood
Hemp String

We then began the cutting process. (My husband helped me with this part.)

1. Cut the 2" thick barn wood into a 6"x 6" square
2. Cut 2 squares in the 1" barn wood. 1 - 4.5" square the other a 3" square.
3. Cut a 2.5" circle out of the 2" barn wood (for the striker)
4. Cut the driftwood to create a wind scoop. We chose to cut at a branching point for more character and to  ensure there was a space for the wind to grab. I LOVE wood and wanted the character to shine through. 

Now, on to the pipe. This was cut exactly as the directions on this website indicated.

Cut Pythagoras

Cut five pieces of tubing to the lengths in the table below and deburr. The chime's five notes, which correspond to a piano's black keys, make up the minor pentatonic scale. The notes are pleasing in any order. The ancient Greeks such as Pythagoras were the first to study the link between the length of a vibrating body and the notes of a musical scale. 

The topper, bottom board is 6", center is 4.5" and the top 3". The intent was to work in threes as much as possible for Mother, Maiden and Crone representation. The pipes were placed at the points of a pentacle that is drawn on the bottom  of the lowest board. 

Striker circle cut from the termite wood.

Wind catcher driftwood that I collected from the Atlantic. I was saving it for something special.

The finished product. Quite pretty and the sound is delightful!
To hear how it turned out click here.