Sunday, December 30, 2012

Week 1 Report: Pagan Fitness Challenge

I am participating in the "Winter Pagan Fitness Challenge" I found at Pagan Health & Fitness. As I posted previously, the author asks us to come up with 5 things to go with the diet to represent the elements. The goals I chose were: 

Air~ Breathe more intently. Do yoga to practice healing breathing. 
Fire~ Feel the burn of working out!
Water~ Drink more of it!
Earth~ Focus on being more grounded in life. 
Spirit~ Work on my attitude and accepting me. Goddess made me a beautiful person now, I just have to own it! 

I don't want to focus on the pounds. I want to focus on being happy and both physically and spiritually healthy. 
My goal for the event is to earn 220 Photobucket broom points! I know it is ambitious, but I think it is totally doable. 

This week I increased my water to 7 glasses EVERY day this week! That was a great accomplishment as I had only been drinking 4-6 glasses daily (so I am giving myself 6 Photobucketpoints, 1 for each day of an extra glass). Also, I grounded 5 of 7 days and exercised two days (1 Photobucketpoint as I'm really not sure how to score that, lol). I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but it's more than I was doing. I also only found myself being self-critical twice, which is quite an accomplishment (not sure how to count those points, lol). 

For the week I have earned 7 Photobucketpoints, which is quite exciting!!! 

I'm loving this way of creating lifestyle changes. I don't think it's too late, yet, to join us on our journey. Be sure to go sign up ASAP! 

Next week, my goals are:
Air~ Breathe more intently. Do yoga to practice healing breathing. -- Goal is to do twice next week (1 point each)
Fire~ Feel the burn of working out! -- Goal is to do twice next week (1 point each)
Water~ Drink more of it! -- Goal is eight glasses every day next week (1 point each)
Earth~ Focus on being more grounded in life. -- Goal is to ground every morning (1 point each)
Spirit~ Work on my attitude and accepting me. Goddess made me a beautiful person now, I just have to own it! (no negativity to self... half point each day successful)

Photobucketpoints goal for the week is: 24.5 points!

Blessed be! 


  1. Great goals!! Totally doable. You CAN do it! I just finished the Corellian 1st Degree course. I have a couple of essays to write and then just a few more requirements to meet before I will be applying for clergy status. Good luck with your studies!!

    1. Thanks Autumn! Congrats on nearly finishing your First Degree! How exciting!
