Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Correllian Shaman Mojo Bag Assignment

So today, I am going to tell you about how I made my Mojo bag. A mojo bag is a small spell bag that you make with intent and wear where no one can see it. They can be custom built to meet your needs. For mine, I included herbs, oils, crystals and chose the color of fabric, thread and ribbon based on my intent.

A mojo bag is full of magical power. You will want to wear it close to your skin the first week of use. This could be in your bra, undergarments, etc. After that, you can store it in a dresser drawer, in your purse or on the altar, but be sure to keep it out of sight. You will need to recharge it regularly.

Mojo bag for healing, protection and strength.

Sea Salt - to protect
Dragon's blood - for protection and spell potency
Dry herbs:
- Basil - to protect
- Bay - to heal, strengthen & protect
- Lavender - to heal & protect
- Rosemary - To heal & protect
- Sage brush - To heal
- Mint - to heal
- Lavender
- Cedar - To strengthen, heal & protect
- Amethyst - to heal
- Tigers eye - to strengthen
- Hematite - to protect

Brown, white and light blue fabric - stability, lunar magic & healing
Green & yellow thread - stability & stimulate nervous system
Red ribbon - protect and defend
Silver paint pen - lunar power

I began by cleansing and grounding. Everything was in my ritual area so that I could cast a circle and work this spell. The first step was to cut the fabric in a 4" circle. I used pinking shears to prevent unraveling. I then used the thread to make loose stitches around the circle.

 Next, blessed all of the materials and began mixing everything up. In the bag went the stones, dragons blood and salt. As I placed them I spoke my intentions. Then, I mixed up the herbs until they were in little bits, while speaking my intentions. These items then went into the bag.

 My final addition was the oils. I placed 3 drops of lavender and 1 drop of cedar on the mixture. I then pulled the thread tight wrapped and tied it seven times.
 After trimming the thread I then wrapped and tied the end of the ribbon around the bag three times. Then, the second end was wrapped and tied three times. Finally, the two ends were tied together once more.
The final product extends down to my breasts. This will allow me to wear it comfortably during the first week when I cannot just tuck it into my bra.

I ended by running dragons blood incense around it. Closed the circle, cleansed and grounded.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Pagan Fitness Challenge Update!

I am participating in the "Winter Pagan Fitness Challenge" I found at Pagan Health & Fitness. As I posted previously, the author asks us to come up with 5 things to go with the diet to represent the elements. The goals I chose were: 

Status Report: 

Air~ Breathe more intently. Do yoga to practice healing breathing. --> I did yoga ONCE this week... moving up a bit!
Fire~ Feel the burn of working out! --> I did do toning exercises twice this week, went walking twice and played basketball with the kids at work. Woot! I met my weekly goal! 
Water~ Drink more of it! --> I drank 8 glasses of water EVERY day this week. 

Earth~ Focus on being more grounded in life. --> I did ground and shield every day this week. It was a great week. I didn't let things get to me and I noticed my coworkers were also a bit more relaxed. 

Spirit~ Work on my attitude and accepting me. Goddess made me a beautiful person now, I just have to own it! I am working on this and think I am making very good progress. 

Week 4 goals: 
Water~ Keep drinking the water and this week I do not want to drink ANY diet soda. 

Air~ Do yoga twice this week. Focus on breathing and meditation. 

Fire~ Do toning exercises twice this week. 

Earth~ Focus on being more grounded in life. -- Goal is to ground every morning and evening. 

Spirit~ Work on my attitude and accepting me. Goddess made me a beautiful person now, I just have to own it! NO negative self talk. I know this one is not any different, but this is one of my biggest challenges. 

Organized Ritual Space

Okay, so I'm going to be totally honest here. My Ritual room (aka my bedroom) was a total wreck. I woke up Saturday morning and said "holy shit! I just can't live like this anymore." I tried to talk my husband into giving up his bedroom and moving into the dining room, but that didn't work! Since I couldn't be a total meanie, I compromised. My room had to be totally reorganized so I didn't feel totally stressed out just being in my room.

The photo above was after I moved a couple of things around. I didn't think to take proper "before" photos!

So, then the work began. My husband was kind enough to build me a shelf to mount my TV & dvd player, so that cleaned up some space. Then, it was time to figure out how to store all of my "witchy" equipment. I was fortunate to have a hutch that housed my bottle collection, so that was repurposed into a Witch's Cabinet.

Everything now has a true home. I can find things without digging through piles and guess what? I can sleep in peace and wake up without being stressed out!

I could tell immediately that it was better this way. The dog came in and relaxed and the cat hasn't left the room since I made the bed. The vibe is better AND I have space to do yoga in private. I feel more motivated and creative too. The lesson here is that you need to keep your space organized. It will benefit you in the long run. Have a lovely day all!

Reorganizing complete

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Nine Waters, Nine Plants... Correllian Shaman Assignment

I finally finished my waters this morning.

All of my waters began as rain water.

1. Yule water: I blessed this water on Yule eve and kept it out under the moon until the morning of 21st. This water is being used on my Poinsettia plant. I bought her before I went on vacation and she died back a bit while I was gone. As you know, Poinsettia's are a bit finicky with there care. She seems to be coming back nicely now. I am trying not to bug it too much while ensuring she is evenly watered on a regular basis. I see some new leaves coming in, so that is a great sign.

The remainder of the waters were made blessing the rain water and leaving it out to charge under the Full Cold Moon the evening of 27 December and left it out until the morning of the 28th. My sister's birthday is the 28th, so it seemed even more meaningful to do it during that Full Moon phase. I then waited until last night to finish the final step as I wanted the water to have elements of the first New Moon of the year as well. Last night, I did another blessing of the Cold Moon water and left it until this morning to add each individual element. Each element was blessed prior to addition to ensure all elements contained within the water were blessed. Also, the mint, basil, rosemary and lavender used were grown by me.

2. Patchouli water: Added 2 drops of Patchouli Oil to the water. This will be used on my Pathos ivy. This Pathos has been attempting to grow for over a year! I thought using Patchouli's fertility power might help her out a bit.

3. Orange water: Added 3 drops of Orange Oil to the water. This will be used on my orange trees. The orange trees were a fluke sprout from one orange seed that happened to do something when I tried to start a plant. I figured it may benefit from more luck, one of the traits oranges hold since it has already given me two baby trees!

4. Cedar water: Added 2 drops of Cedar Oil to the water. This will be used on my Spider plant.This plant sits near my front door, so I thought Cedar may add a protective element to our entryway.

5. Lavender water: Added dried Lavender flowers  to the water. This will be used for Christmas cactus. I chose lavender for this plant as it also sits near our entryway. I want it to help to promote protection, peace, happiness and longevity in our home and in the plant.

6. Rosemary water: Added dried Rosemary leaves to the water. This will be used on my Aloe plant. The Rosemary mother plant grows outside our front door, to help protect our home. I chose to put Rosemary water on the Aloe to protect the Aloe as its healing properties are important. The Aloe is in the entryway as well to drive away evil and bring us good luck!

7. Basil water: Added dried Basil leaves to the water. This will be used on my Banana plant. I chose Basil water to protect the Banana tree... it is said to increase prosperity in the home.

8. Mint water: Added dried Mint leaves to the water. This will be used on my Arrowhead plant. I like to keep mint by the front and back doors to help protect the home and to attract positive vibes.

9. Sage & Sweet grass: Added dried Sage and Sweet grass to the water. This will be used on my Pineapple plant. Sage was chosen to help protect the longevity of my Pineapple plant. The pineapple was begun from the top of an actual Pineapple some months ago. It seems to be doing well. The Pineapple Plant is said to increase luck.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Week 2 Report: Pagan Fitness Challenge

Week 2 Report: Pagan Fitness Challenge

I am participating in the "Winter Pagan Fitness Challenge" I found at Pagan Health & Fitness. As I posted previously, the author asks us to come up with 5 things to go with the diet to represent the elements. The goals I chose were: 

Status Report: 

Air~ Breathe more intently. Do yoga to practice healing breathing. --> I did not do any yoga this week. I'm not sure why, BUT I did set up a DVD player in my room last night so I am better equipped this upcoming week to get this done. 
           +0 Photobucket
Fire~ Feel the burn of working out! --> I did do toning exercises twice this week. Woot! I met my weekly goal! 
         +2 Photobucket
Water~ Drink more of it! --> I maintained 7 glasses on all but two days. I did meet my weekly goal of 8 glasses on two days as well. Not too shabby!
         +2 Photobucket
Earth~ Focus on being more grounded in life. --> I did ground and shield every day (actually twice a day). But, the week was especially stressful and it didn't really feel like I did this as well as I should. I am working through something right now that I believe will help me to better focus. 
        +0 Photobucket
Spirit~ Work on my attitude and accepting me. Goddess made me a beautiful person now, I just have to own it!  --> Although I did well accepting myself this week, I had an external contributor which really sucked my emotional energy and made me feel quite negative towards another. I cannot, in good faith, accept any points for the week since I do not like having negative feelings towards others. I will continue to work on this. 
      +0 Photobucket
For the week I have earned +4 Photobucketpoints, for a total of +11 
Photobucket, which is still pretty good!!! 

For week 3 goals, I am not changing any since this past week was such a challenge. There is no sense in stressing through this experience!

Water~ Drink more of it! -- Goal is eight glasses every day next week (1 point each)
Earth~ Focus on being more grounded in life. -- Goal is to ground every morning (1 point each)
Spirit~ Work on my attitude and accepting me. Goddess made me a beautiful person now, I just have to own it! (no negativity to self... half point each day successful)

Photobucketpoints goal for the week 3 is: 24.5 points!

Blessed be! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

An Opossum in the Piano... An Answer to a Question

Nice title, eh? Well... we have a piano on the back porch that 'came with the house'. We tried to give it away to no avail. We tried to move it to take it to the dump and it is WAY too heavy for the two of us to move. So, there it sits. It serves as shelter for our outside feral cat "Buddy" until we can find a solution to the problem.


This morning at 0600 I wrote on our Shrine page how I have a person in my life who is a real live Vampire. This person, literally, sucks happy moods from everyone she comes in contact with. I promise I am not being dramatic! For the past two years I just thought I was being overly sensitive BUT in the past two months I have heard it more and more from people, who do not work under her, that she is overly critical and thinks she knows more than they do, even when it is out of her level of expertise. 

Well, this week my supervisor was on vacation. She left me in charge. Because of this, I had to work directly with the Vampire. Typically, my boss is there to act as a "buffer" for me. I made sure to cleanse, release, ground and build my shields every morning and every evening. Not necessarily because of her, but because it is a resolution to stay as close to Goddess as I can this year. But every day, by the end of the day, I have been sapped of energy, angry and had feelings of hate that I haven't felt since I decided to pursue my First Degree Priestess certification. My creative streak has been nil, which is quite unusual these days. 

So, I declared to my Shrine that I needed to work on building stronger shields. That I needed to figure out how to deflect her negativity. I give her props that she is so strong that she can get through to me, but damn it I really don't want anyone to have that much influence on my psyche. I don't want any human to have that much influence over me, especially when it makes me have negative feelings about myself , and others, when I have been working so hard. 

Tonight, I had a new experience. I let the dog out and heard an odd noise in the piano. I called Buddy, my outdoor feral cat (who responds when he is nearby) but he did not come out of the piano. I looked, but I could not see anything in the piano so I went in the house and grabbed a camera. I truly did not expect to find what I found.... a opossum! 

My very first thought was 'is that an omen? A message from Goddess?' But, I brushed it off and figured it was just a coincidence. I mean, we do feed a cat out there!

But once I came in the house and messaged my Shriney's of my unique experience, it was suggested that since it was my first thought perhaps it is indeed an omen.

Then, I was off to read about opossum symbolism.

I just 'Googled' it, lol, and found a site that discussed the opossum as a totem animal. Funny thing, I am currently studying Correllian Shamanism. Totem animals are quite important to Shamans. This goes back to the omen thoughts!

So, I of course read more about it. I found this site which discusses the opossum as a totem animal. The opossum, tells me I need to act in a particular way. That I need to behave or act in a strategic manner. It says that "... sometimes it is necessary to put up a particular front to succeed most easily and effectively." It can also be telling us that "...others are putting up false fronts and deceptions." The opossum has energy that "helps us to use appearances to our greatest benefit and that helps us to recognize when others are creating false impressions." It can "...help us learn to divert attention or to get attention any way we need."  

I think the cute little opossum is telling me that I need to appear fearless, despite how I may feel. I think it is telling me to appear a bit aggressive (because I am not good at submission) while also being caring. The Totem Library  notes that opossum is the supreme actor and that I need to I need to learn to work with this person. Hmmm... perhaps submission is the lesson? 

At the end of the post, the author notes the following: 

When opossum shows up as a totem, ask yourself some important questions. Are you acting or about to act in an inappropriate manner? Do you need to strengthen your own appearance? Are others putting up false appearances in front of you? do you need to divert attention away from some activity? Are others trying to divert your attention  Is it time to go into your bag of tricks and pull out some new strategy? Learning to pretend and act in ways and with realism is the magic that opossum teaches. 

I have thought about these questions. I am not acting in an inappropriate manner, yet (although I must admit, I have been on the verge of doing so). I do need to strengthen my own appearance. I do think others are putting up false appearances. I'm not sure about diverting attention away, but I will continue to think on this. I do think I need to figure out another strategy, which I did declare this morning on my Shrine. 

I will work on my ability to "pretend and act in <other> ways and with realism" in order to move past this challenge. I do think this was a clear message from Goddess and that opossum is telling me I need to step back and think about how to approach the situation. My mind is telling me I need to let it go, have fun, step back and say nothing. This means that I need to focus on building my walls stronger and learning how to not let Emotional Vampires get to me!

I just had to share this with you all! Let me know what you think. Am I being ridiculous or is this a very clear answer to my question? 

Blessed be!!!