A mojo bag is full of magical power. You will want to wear it close to your skin the first week of use. This could be in your bra, undergarments, etc. After that, you can store it in a dresser drawer, in your purse or on the altar, but be sure to keep it out of sight. You will need to recharge it regularly.
Mojo bag for healing, protection and strength.
Sea Salt - to protect
Dragon's blood - for protection and spell potency
Dry herbs:
- Basil - to protect
- Bay - to heal, strengthen & protect
- Lavender - to heal & protect
- Rosemary - To heal & protect
- Sage brush - To heal
- Mint - to heal
- Lavender
- Cedar - To strengthen, heal & protect
- Amethyst - to heal
- Tigers eye - to strengthen
- Hematite - to protect
Brown, white and light blue fabric - stability, lunar magic & healing
Green & yellow thread - stability & stimulate nervous system
Red ribbon - protect and defend
Silver paint pen - lunar power
I began by cleansing and grounding. Everything was in my ritual area so that I could cast a circle and work this spell. The first step was to cut the fabric in a 4" circle. I used pinking shears to prevent unraveling. I then used the thread to make loose stitches around the circle.
My final addition was the oils. I placed 3 drops of lavender and 1 drop of cedar on the mixture. I then pulled the thread tight wrapped and tied it seven times.
After trimming the thread I then wrapped and tied the end of the ribbon around the bag three times. Then, the second end was wrapped and tied three times. Finally, the two ends were tied together once more.
The final product extends down to my breasts. This will allow me to wear it comfortably during the first week when I cannot just tuck it into my bra.
I ended by running dragons blood incense around it. Closed the circle, cleansed and grounded.
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