Thursday, October 4, 2012

Favorite Method of Divination... Including a Particularly Moving Experience

My favorite method of divination is using Tarot Cards. I like that they leave room for many interpretations and that one must think about what the cards are saying and work it into their situation in life. Some may think that Tarot is a bit general, but I think if it is used correctly, it is actually very able to give some great advice, through the eyes of the subject at hand. I bought my first, and only, Tarot deck in the first metaphysical store I ever stepped in. I was in Alpine, CA in 1993. I was 19 years old. This deck is very well used. I have thought about replacing the deck, but have used it for so long that we have a great partnership that I am quite akin too. 

I also enjoy the art of palm reading. I find it very interesting how our palms show so many attributes without really having any input besides the lines and their meanings. It amazes me how accurate palm reading seems to be. I once ran a palm reading booth at a school’s Halloween carnival fundraiser. My booth raised the MOST money and the line was the longest, all night long. The towns people were a bit odd with me for a while, but they were are very respectful and even though some bad things came true, they were kind and some even thanked me for preparing them for the outcomes. I never did that again. I just really had no idea that it would happen as it did.

Early in my life, I experienced Ouija boards. Due to my experiences with them, I no longer touch them. My first experiences with Ouija boards were as a very young girl. I would watch my mother, her sisters and my grandmother use Ma’s Ouija board (Ma is my grandma, who did not like being called grandma). They would use it as a way to communicate with dead family members… or so it seemed at my ripe old age of 8, lol. (The one in the photo below is just like Ma's board. BTW, in the end she didn't like it very much either.)

Moving forward a bit… at about 12 years old, I had a Halloween themed slumber party. Early in the evening, my mom told the guests that spirits liked to enter the house through the basement door (she wasn’t serious, I promise). The girls all laughed and we went about entertaining ourselves using Ma’s Ouija. The girls asked questions and used it as the game they thought it was. They were okay until it said I would die at 18 and named 2 girls who were present and 3 who were not, as dying with me. That freaked them a bit, but I laughed it off and we went down to eat some grub.

Later that evening, my mom, 2 aunts and a cousin did a séance that my guests watched. This was my first séance. I saw a candle move on the mirror, in a circle. My mother stopped the séance before it really progressed any further (later admitting that she felt heat coming into her and freaked out about it a bit). As I helped my Aunt pick up the room, the basement door opened. We both got a bit freaked, but shook it off and went on with the party.

That night, I saw my first shadow in a mirror. I know, that sounds crazy, but it was there, I swear. Over the next few months, I spent my time avoiding the mirrors in the house. Essentially, I ran from the mirrors.

Finally, Ma called my mother and told her to bring me over. She feared that I was going crazy. She didn’t want Mom to have to institutionalize me! Oh My!!! Mom and Ma got on the Ouija and talked to it about this Bubba that first came through. They got out of the board that Bubba was trying to get through to my mom, but she was ignoring him. Ma asked him to leave me alone.

After that night, I no longer saw shadows in mirrors. Granted, I was still nervous about them. Honestly, I had an “interesting” relationship with mirrors for at least 10 years after this experience. But, my mom had something happen that made the family accept my experience as real rather than crazy… thankfully.

Mom went to work one day and was down in a tank doing x-rays. She was an x-ray technician who inspected gas tank train cars. She was getting ready to go back out of the tank. She had shined her flashlight on the manhole exit and read “Bubba was here” around the hole. She got freaked a bit and got out of the train car. She asked around the shop who Bubba was. No one knew anyone named Bubba except an old friend of hers who used to work with her at another company a few years ago. It turns out that one of their co-workers from there had died just before my party. And guess what? His nickname was Bubba.

On my 18th birthday two friends of mine threw me a grand party. I was quite lucky to have friends who were older than me and that loved to throw parties! One of my friends invited a cop, which made me nervous because my teenage friends and I wanted to partake in some smoking, which would have been problematic. So, we took a cruise. As we drove along Rt. 6, smoking it up and heading towards Camelot Bowl (the teenage handout at the time) I recalled the names of the people that the Ouija said would die with me on my 18th birthday. Everyone piled into that car was on that list. Just as I began to panic and insisted that we pull over, a semi truck came at us, head-on. My friend, pulled off the road and we all got out of the car. They were all laughing at me, except one (who was at my party that listed everyone in that car). Once I got a grip, and smoked some, we piled into the car and went the rest of the way to Camelot. Needless to say, I did not physically die that night. My “no fear” attitude did die. I no longer played with things I did not understand. I no longer took my life for granted. I was thankful that I had lived to tell this crazy tale!

The point of this assignment was to state my favorite form of divination and to express a particularly moving experience I have had with divination. My experience with an Ouija board and séances has been my most moving experience to date. I will not even be around this “game” as they make me quite nervous and I have never attempted a séance since. I realize that many people to do not see the Ouija as a divination tool, but my experience has taught me a bit differently.

I hope I didn't bore you to death with this accounting! If you actually read this far, thanks for sticking with me and I hope you got something of value out of it! Blessed be!

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