Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Personal Deity & Universal Deity

A personal deity is that which speaks to you and you acknowledge and connect to on a personal level. A universal deity is one that everyone knows of but does not necessarily talks to or worships. It doesn't make them any less valuable, it just means they are not the deity that you connect with on a personal level. 

A good example of a universal deity is the Christian god. This is a deity that many connect with but for me it just doesn't click. Granted, for most Christian's, god is a personal deity as well. For Wiccans, the universal deity would be Goddess as all worship her on some level, but many will have a specific, personal deity as well. My personal deity would be more along the lines of Mother Nature. In Greek mythos this would be Demeter, the Aztecs called her Toci, and the Celts Anu. 

I have always been drawn to nature. I would rather live in the country and be isolated than to live in a big city. Even when I have lived in the city, I have sought out natural areas, had patio gardens and many houseplants. I would go camping constantly, all to be closer to nature. 

It is essential for me to have nature around me. Without it I literally feel lost. As a child, when I had issues at home, I would escape to the woods and creek near my home. I always felt better after a walk in the woods or playing with the frogs and crawdads in the creek. Nature is my home. Without it I am nothing. I am lost. With it I am whole. I am grounded. I am happy. 

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