Sunday, December 30, 2012

Week 1 Report: Pagan Fitness Challenge

I am participating in the "Winter Pagan Fitness Challenge" I found at Pagan Health & Fitness. As I posted previously, the author asks us to come up with 5 things to go with the diet to represent the elements. The goals I chose were: 

Air~ Breathe more intently. Do yoga to practice healing breathing. 
Fire~ Feel the burn of working out!
Water~ Drink more of it!
Earth~ Focus on being more grounded in life. 
Spirit~ Work on my attitude and accepting me. Goddess made me a beautiful person now, I just have to own it! 

I don't want to focus on the pounds. I want to focus on being happy and both physically and spiritually healthy. 
My goal for the event is to earn 220 Photobucket broom points! I know it is ambitious, but I think it is totally doable. 

This week I increased my water to 7 glasses EVERY day this week! That was a great accomplishment as I had only been drinking 4-6 glasses daily (so I am giving myself 6 Photobucketpoints, 1 for each day of an extra glass). Also, I grounded 5 of 7 days and exercised two days (1 Photobucketpoint as I'm really not sure how to score that, lol). I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but it's more than I was doing. I also only found myself being self-critical twice, which is quite an accomplishment (not sure how to count those points, lol). 

For the week I have earned 7 Photobucketpoints, which is quite exciting!!! 

I'm loving this way of creating lifestyle changes. I don't think it's too late, yet, to join us on our journey. Be sure to go sign up ASAP! 

Next week, my goals are:
Air~ Breathe more intently. Do yoga to practice healing breathing. -- Goal is to do twice next week (1 point each)
Fire~ Feel the burn of working out! -- Goal is to do twice next week (1 point each)
Water~ Drink more of it! -- Goal is eight glasses every day next week (1 point each)
Earth~ Focus on being more grounded in life. -- Goal is to ground every morning (1 point each)
Spirit~ Work on my attitude and accepting me. Goddess made me a beautiful person now, I just have to own it! (no negativity to self... half point each day successful)

Photobucketpoints goal for the week is: 24.5 points!

Blessed be! 

Shaman's Staff

I am working on building a staff for my Correllian Shaman course. It is a work in progress, but I have completed the base of this project. I used a branch from a pear tree and sanded all of the bark off. I chose a pear because it represents love and affection.

I wood-burned a spiral running down the length of the staff, to represent life. I also wood-burned pentagrams on both the top and tip of the staff, to incorporate earth, air, fire, water and spirit.

There are dried herbs, that I grew this past season, wrapped under the hemp handle. Hemp was used since it is a natural fiber as well as its healing, vision and meditative qualities. Herbs worked in are: Rosemary, sage, basil, lavender, sweetgrass & mint. Each one was chosen due to its properties.

Rosemary: Protection, Love, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification & Healing
Sage: Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection & Wishes
Basil: Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying & Protection
Lavender: Love, Protection, Longevity, Purification, Happiness & Peace
Mint: Protection & Strength
Sweetgrass: Calling Spirits

I hope you all have a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Friday, December 21, 2012

My Totem Animals

As part of my Correllian Shaman course we were to find our own totem animals. This took me a bit to meditate on, but they finally came to me in a variety of ways. One was merely a presence,  two were discovered in dreams, one during a meditation session and one because it fits very well in my life... always has.

My first totem is the firefly. She came to me in a dream of my childhood. This dream was of my sister and I playing and catching fireflies at dusk. We were happy and laughing. When I awoke I knew this was to be one of my totems. Even as an adult, I enjoy watching lightning bugs at dusk. They bring me joy and I am in awe of their ability to produce light without electricity! 

My drawing of a firefly... looks more like a dragonfly doesn't it?
My firefly has been placed at the Star Nation location of my medicine wheel. The firefly represents inspiration and hope. It tells us to trust our own rhythms, both the physical and the spiritual. When the firefly presents itself it may also indicate that there have been a variety of misjudgments  or it may be warning of the possibility. It tells us to be sure we are focusing on the right things. She may also be telling us to look at our health habits, especially what we are eating. Positive hope is a critical component to fulfillment and inspiration. 
Firefly taking flight. Photo courtesy of

My next totem location is the Plant Nation. In this location I have placed the ladybug. She came to me before the assignment was given. I kept seeing ladybugs in November and even now in December I have seen two. This is quite unusual as ladybugs are most prevalent during warm weather months. 

Ladybugs represent a time of luck and protection while wishes are fulfilled. Worries begin to dissipate  New happiness may be coming into light. It is a time of shielding from our own aggravations and pests. The ladybug is never the aggressor, but they will defend. She reminds us to not try too hard to go too fast to fulfill our dreams. In due time, dreams will come true. 

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

My third totem is placed in the Cosmic Waters area of the medicine wheel. I have placed a dolphin in this location. This came to me during meditation. 

The dolphin represents joy and happiness; harmony with ones self and surroundings. It recognizes and balances the rhythms of body with those of nature. It also represents: wisdom, depth of emotions, playfulness  intelligence and communication. It is also a helper with dream interpretations. 

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

The fourth location is in the Stone Nation location of the Medicine Wheel. In this location I have placed the Horned Toad Lizard. This also came to me during a dream. After meditating one evening I had a dream about the horned toad I found in the front yard of my old house in South Texas. 

My Tribal representation of the Horned Toad Lizard
The Horned Toad is believed to be the grandfather, the creator, in animal form. It is thought to bring good luck. It helps you to better understand dreams and mental creations. It also helps you to face fears and ask for guidance in facing difficult situations that you fear. 

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

My final totem location is in the center of the Medicine Wheel. In this area I felt that the dog was best here. I have always had a bond with dogs, to the point that I have had strays come to me for medical help! Dogs, in my opinion, are the BEST mammals in the animal kingdom. 

Dogs represent loyalty, friendship and nobility. They give unconditional love and forgiveness  They have an uncanny ability to read situations and hold a high level of psychic awareness. 

My best friend!
This project was very enjoyable! It took a lot of time to meditate and think about what animals fit appropriately for me. Now, I need to assign the stones that represent all 29 locations of my wheel. More to come on that I am certain!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Little Bit Of This & That: The Winter Pagan Fitness Challenge

A Little Bit Of This & That: The Winter Pagan Fitness Challenge: So a friend of mine wrote this great blogpost about a Pagan Fitness Blog we've signed up for. The blog author is hosting a winter fitness challenge. She is hosting a check in, so it will hold you responsible for keeping up with your health goals!

She asks us to come up with 5 things to go with the diet to represent the elements so here are mine:

Air~ Breathe more intently. Do yoga to practice healing breathing. 
Fire~ Feel the burn of working out!
Water~ Drink more of it!
Earth~ Focus on being more grounded in life. 
Spirit~ Work on my attitude and accepting me. Goddess made me a beautiful person now, I just have to own it! 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Handmade Wind Chime - Air Activity

I am currently working through the Correllian Shaman course and had an assignment to make an item to represent air. I meditated and thought for days about how I wanted to accomplish this project and I was guided to build a wind chime. 

The materials were selected using Wiccan beliefs and construction was guided by Goddess as I cleansed, grounded and asked for her assistance throughout the entire process. Copper was chosen due to its link with Venus, its ability to conduct energy and its inspiration for health and balance. I am quite dedicated with working with energy and I am always striving for balance in my life. 

Then came choosing the wood. Sure, I could have just picked up wood while I was at the hardware store but I knew that I could find something more fitting in our stash. I went home and went through my husbands collection of wood. I was drawn to a piece of termite infested barn wood that was super heavy. I am inclined to think it is oak, but I cannot be totally certain. If you knew me, personally, you'd know that wood is my thing. I thought the termite damage appropriate for my assignment as the termite is a wondrous bug. It is an industrious being that completes its purpose with teamwork and strength. I took time to bless the wood to ensure that its destructive energy was appreciated, but not negatively incorporated to my purpose... I only want good destruction in my work, such as illness, negativity or strife. 

Then came the choice of string to hold my items together. I chose hemp due to its magickal properties. It amplifies magic, removes negative influence, and influences: healing, love, protection, psychic vision, peace and meditation. 

Now, onto the construction of this beauty. Keep in mind that  I invoked the goddess and god throughout the entire process to ensure that my creation was favored as its use is for magickal purposes. 

Hardware store:

5' length of 3/4" Type M copper tubing ($15)
Small Eyehooks ($1.50)
1 1/4" Cup Hook ($.55)
#6 Sheet Metal Screws - 1.5" long ($1.50)

Things around the house:
2 different pieces of antique barnwood - 1 piece was 1" thick, the other 2" thick.
1 piece of driftwood
Hemp String

We then began the cutting process. (My husband helped me with this part.)

1. Cut the 2" thick barn wood into a 6"x 6" square
2. Cut 2 squares in the 1" barn wood. 1 - 4.5" square the other a 3" square.
3. Cut a 2.5" circle out of the 2" barn wood (for the striker)
4. Cut the driftwood to create a wind scoop. We chose to cut at a branching point for more character and to  ensure there was a space for the wind to grab. I LOVE wood and wanted the character to shine through. 

Now, on to the pipe. This was cut exactly as the directions on this website indicated.

Cut Pythagoras

Cut five pieces of tubing to the lengths in the table below and deburr. The chime's five notes, which correspond to a piano's black keys, make up the minor pentatonic scale. The notes are pleasing in any order. The ancient Greeks such as Pythagoras were the first to study the link between the length of a vibrating body and the notes of a musical scale. 

The topper, bottom board is 6", center is 4.5" and the top 3". The intent was to work in threes as much as possible for Mother, Maiden and Crone representation. The pipes were placed at the points of a pentacle that is drawn on the bottom  of the lowest board. 

Striker circle cut from the termite wood.

Wind catcher driftwood that I collected from the Atlantic. I was saving it for something special.

The finished product. Quite pretty and the sound is delightful!
To hear how it turned out click here.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

26 Days Until Yule!

Since those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are only 26 days away from celebrating Yule, I thought it would be appropriate that I take some time to discuss Yule. Yule takes place during the Winter Solstice which occurs on the 21st or 22nd of December. For those who may not be aware, the winter solstice is the longest night of the year. Yule is what we Pagan's celebrate and it has observed even before Christmas became a holiday!

Yule is a Norse word which means "wheel". It is considered to be the rebirth of the sun. When we celebrate Yule, we celebrate the upcoming increase in daylight as it moves back towards the earth. When we light candles and burn a Yule log we are encouraging the sun to make its return to the earth.

Many of our Christmas celebrations originated during Yuletime. The Christmas Tree began as a Yule Tree. The Yule tree represents the survival of life after death. Other items used during Yule are wreaths, decorations of holly and ivy and the giving of gifts have all made there way into mainstream Christmas celebrations!

The sabbat of Yule is sacred to God in his archetype as Lord of the Old Year and the Sorcerer. The character representations of God are very similar to Santa Claus or Dickens' Spirit of Christmas Present.

In honor of Yule, some Wiccans stay up until dawn to witness the sun's return. The most recognized celebration of Yule are also associated with Christmas. Gift giving, the beauty of the lights and decorations, the feasts with family and friends all honor the rebirth of the sun and the renewal of lift during this holiday.

Here is a classic Christmas song that is also a very meaningful Yule song.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wisteria Vines and a chat with my mentor

Today, I mentioned to my First Degree Mentor that every time I go for a hike in this specific forest I smell Wisteria. Today while we journeyed, I smelled them again but obviously it is November and Wisteria is not in bloom. The smell was definitely there as my beloved dog sniffed the air just as I did to enjoy the lovely scent. Up until today, I assumed that the vines were hiding from me but evident by their lovely scent. Today, I realized that is not so. Many of the trees are without leaves and I did not see any signs of any sort of scented flower anywhere in the area (or anywhere along our journey).

Courtesy of Wikipedia
My mentor referred me to a website which discussed the attributes of Wisteria. It says " incredibly durable vine, able to live (even flourish) through mistreatment and harsh conditions." The website goes on to say "The wisteria is a voracious grower with the ability to spread out over acres, spiraling out into impressive expanses. Symbolically, we might see this as an external reflection of our own expanding consciousness." I find it quite interesting that I smell this flower when I am out on a quest for items for my spiritual workings or just to recharge from an especially draining week at work. 

This same website says "...keep in mind the wisteria can be destructive in her growth, and requires discipline to avoid spiraling out of control (indeed, the vine has been known to take down entire buildings and trellises with her burdening weight). Wisteria reminds us that the journey into our conscious evolution is vital to our own blossoming. However left unchecked, or practiced without foundational discipline may cause unsavory results." This also applies to how I am. As I go through life I must be careful to remain disciplined in my growth, to keep myself in 'check' and to ensure I am studying and growing for the right reason... not the status quo reason. If I work towards status quo I eventually become drained, depressed and scatter-brained. The life objectives of the wisteria are quite similar to my spiritual needs. I found that quite interesting. 

As a child, I had many challenges that should have brought me into a life of misery and self pity. Fortunately, I didn't go there. The wisteria's attribute of flourishing despite maltreatment and harsh conditions hit me quite hard. I not only made it out of the BS, but I grew and flourished through the life I built in my adulthood. I have a feeling that my mentor is correct that plants can be life totem's just as animals can. I've had many 'run-ins' with wisteria through my years, the scent has made me smile often through the years and I really think this plant is important in my life. 


Monday, November 5, 2012

Supportive Partners Matter!

My DH came in last night all excited. He had found a piece of wood today that he thought I'd like for my altar. He was saying why and I did agree, lol. It's beautiful and will make a great addition. We chatted a bit about what needs to be done: creating a pseudo action plan for how to do it and what to do with it. My husband does not practice the craft with me, but he participates in the "geary" aspects of my craft.

New piece of wood, before anything done to it at all.
This, of course, is a great benefit to me. He cut a small disk of a small bit of a young tree trunk for me a few weeks back. (It was in our firewood and was only 6" or so, only 2-3" was really usable.) While he was planing it for me, a piece of bark chipped off. I was still happy with it, and used it for the pentacle on my altar. It wasn't as pretty with the chipped bark, but it did the trick.

The Pentacle I drew on the small stump.

I think he knew it wasn't quite as I wanted, so he'd been watching all this time! It has been around 4 weeks since that all happened! (It was just before the new moon, as I needed a replacement pentacle because I have yet to find mine from when we last moved.) I really love that asshole!

I told him "Thank you for being supportive of my being out and about." He laughed at me and said, "of course dork. I support whatever you want." Lol, it's just good my endeavors are all legal and reasonable!

After sanding and waiting for me to do something with it!
DH wanted me to add that he used a Craftsman 4" Belt Sander to prep it!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Poetry Written on Today's Walk

Photo by Lillie Dawn
Sweet Smell

Sun shining,
Gentle breeze blowing,
Through the leaves.

Birds flying,
and singing,
through the autumn leaves.

Sweet smell,
in the air,
Is that Goddess
telling me she's here?

Photo by Lillie Dawn
Pagan Like Thee 

Bonding with nature,
from whence I came.

The peace recharges me
and makes me whole again.

The stresses of the
modern world leave me.

And nature makes me
happy I am pagan like thee.

~Lillie Dawn

Photo by Lillie Dawn

A Bit About Samhain

Traditional Irish Turnip Lantern
Early 20th century
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
As you may well know, the Celtics saw Samhain as starting the dark time of the year. It is the end of the harvesting season and the start of the winter season. It is the time when the veil between us and the otherworld is thinnest. This allows us to take time to honor our ancestors. It is also time for us to thank our deities for the gifts they have given us through the growing season and for the gifts we have to make it through the upcoming winter season. We also take the time to reflect on our own mortality and the nature of change and transformation. You may also know that this day marks the Wiccan New Year!

On this Samhain, we were blessed with a full moon very nearby. As such, we did a ritual with our Shrine on Halloween, that combined the Samhain and Full Moon ritual, but something didn't feel right the next day, so I decided to give it a go alone the next day. I think because I was rushed (running late home for work) and I didn't get my ritual bath. I also had computer issues when I got home, so this rushed me a bit more. I thought I had cleansed and grounded well enough, but something didn't "feel" right on the 1st, so I decided to do everything again. 

During my solitary full moon ritual, I like to ask for help to release things that block or limit me (an idea given by Rev. Don). This was a great combination with the Samhain ritual of honoring my ancestors and focusing on change and transformation. I must say that when I woke up the morning of the 2nd, after conducting a solitary Samhain ritual the evening of the 1st, I felt renewed. When I arrived at work, something I had been working on that benefits many of us came through. Granted, I had some odd news on another topic, but the things I was aware of and consciously asked about began changing! I really love how well things work out. 

Blessed be!


Kondratiev, Alexei (1997). Samhain: Season of Death and Renewal. Retrieved 3 November 2012 from
Lewis, Donald (Rev.). Witch School First Degree. Woodbury: Llewellyn, 2010. Print.

Chakras of the Earth

M.C. Escher's Snakes
Photo courtesy of
All M.C. Escher works © 2003 Cordon Art B.V. - Baarn - The Netherlands. All rights reserved.

Chakras of the earth are also know as Vortices. Vortices are the energy centers or the chakras of the earth. Earth's energy is stronger at the vortex, just as our energy is stronger and easier to interact with at our chakras. Both are ideal spots to receive energy from or to send healing through. Vortex points are often used as places of worship and are sacred spaces due to there strength. We are able to work with our chakras to increase energy and to heal our bodies.


Lewis, Donald (Rev.). Witch School First Degree. Woodbury: Llewellyn, 2010. Print.

Allegory Explained

What is Allegory? This was one of my questions for this week. According to, allegory is a Middle English word that defines a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another. It can also be a symbolical narrative. 

"Allegory" by Antonio de Pereda, circa 1654
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia

This is pretty much the same definition from a Wiccan perspective. For Pagans, symbolism is used to make difficult or abstract concepts easier to understand. According to our studies with Rev. Don Lewis, in the First Degree Lessons, allegory allows us to free ourselves from literal understandings and to embrace abstract thoughts. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Old Souls

Photo courtesy of
To me, an old soul is a person who is born having more knowledge than the average Joe. They are wise beyond their years. They have a certain understanding of the world that is not typical of a young person. It is also said that old souls are those who learn psychic and magical skills quite easily, due to them having learned them in lives passed.

As a child, my grandmother once talked to the Ouija about reincarnation. The spirit board told her that we come back to earth until we learn what we are supposed to learn in life. This makes sense to me. As a child, I was often told that I was an old soul. As I grew, and moved away from home, I went to places where I knew things that I should not have known.

For example, in S. Texas we were out looking for Indian artifacts. I told my friend that I had a feeling we should go to a particular spot and we walked that way, stopped and began to dig. We had a huge score of artifacts there. I did that on more than one occasion and still have many of those artifacts to this day. I had an uncanny ability to find our way home when I lived in that area. To this day, I believe that I had been in that area in a past life.

I had similar occurrences through my life, until I hit about 27. After that, I've never had that deja vu of an unknown sort. Now when I have deja vu it is from dreams I have had. Perhaps back then I had dreams that told me these things, but I was not yet well practiced enough to recall them. If not that, then perhaps I died quite young. I suppose I'll never know for sure, but I do find it interesting. :-)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Seven Levels, or Planes, of Being

Image Courtesy of Wikimedia

It is said that the seven planes originated from the time of creation. When God exploded into existence, he spread out, and fell into, the seven levels of existence. These seven planes are not definitive, but rather, conceptual. These seven planes are:

The physical: where we experience physical form and sensation

Emotional: where we experience emotional feelings

Mental: our experience of thought and abstract concepts and understandings

Astral: where we create our existence and its conditions

Soular: the development of those traits that make a unique part of Deity

Mondaic: the part of us that is divine but is separate from the whole of Deity

Divine: where we are one with all existence

We too pass through these planes. We are at any time working within any of these planes and may be at other times working on more than one at a time. It is our way to learn and grow. Each plane has its special lesson. Since we are all of Goddess, these lessons are of great importance for our souls.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Out of the Broom Closet... Or Not?

Hmmm... today I am contemplating the topic of coming "out of the broom closet". My online persona "Lillie" is obviously out. loud and proud. My personal life is another thing. I've "come out" to my husband and my sister, but neither were entirely surprised. They both know me quite well and both have said it made sense to them to take the step to move towards "official study". 

My sister and I spent hours talking about how our upbringing geared us to being Pagan and/or Wiccan. My husband has been so supportive that he has helped me make things that I wanted to make. He is even building me a cabinet to store my herbs & supplies. He's been very supportive to say the least. 

This made me feel empowered and good. Both are quite supportive. It seems my personality and beliefs are a good fit for being Wiccan for those who know me. I've obviously had my beliefs for a lifetime. Close friends weren't surprised and friends who I learned had similar beliefs were welcoming as we all need people who are "out" to have a supportive circle of friends. 

It's those in the business world that I wonder about. Should I TELL them I am Wiccan or Pagan? I'm thinking, 'nah, what's the point' is the answer I most lean to. I live my life the way I do, why do they NEED to know that I am Wiccan. I'm sure they Know I am Pagan at the very least. Who can hide that?

The pros of them Knowing would be that I represent that Wiccan's are good people too. I'd think this would be the main benefit. Many people ostracize Wiccans and Pagans as they see them as 'evil' or 'not of god'. Although I live my life to exude good intentions, what benefit would it have for me to 'come out'? 

From this perspective it would bring many more cons to the forefront. I work with kids and most of the parents, from what I can tell, have a Christian background. My fear is that I would be seen and judged in a negative light if people were certain of my spiritual beliefs. It is one thing to think someone is something and another all together to know. 

I have only shared with two people that I am certainly Wiccan. One because she told me her beliefs first and that I reciprocated information. The second, because I was asked point blank and I just don't like to lie. I must also admit that it still made me nervous to share the information, although both are good people and I don't think it will be an issue in the long run. But there is the other side of me that wonders... What if the first woman decides she no longer is interested in being a Wiccan? What if she decides to hold that information against me? This makes me nervous and I sometimes think about that. It's too late to take that information back, but sometimes I wish I hadn't shared. 

I have to have faith that Goddess put me in these situations to force me to overtly take a stand. I have to trust that by taking that stand I will not be penalized. I am pretty certain that the second woman would not do anything to hurt someone. I have known her for 11 years and she is very kind-hearted and fairly non-judgmental although she is a Christian. She asked me point-blank after having known her for 6 years. She was doing research for a book she was writing and asked me as it occurred to her that I was Wiccan. Once I admitted my background, she used me for research on her book. When I typed that, it caused me to laugh. You know, she still hasn't published that book... 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Vangelo Delle Streghe aka The Gospel of the Witches (Creationism Story)

The Vangelo Delle Streghe is an Aradian Wiccan scripture which contains: the creation story, the Charge of the Goddess and a collection of myths from Italian Witchcraft. Although it is a bit difficult to understand, it is an interesting read. Written in AD 1899, it is considered the cornerstone of Wiccan thought. I found a copy of it at and thought someone might be interested in reading it. Have a look below. 

This is the Gospel (Vangelo) of the Witches:

Diana greatly loved her brother Lucifer, the god of the Sun and of the Moon, the god of Light (Splendor), who was so proud of his beauty, and who for his pride was driven from Paradise.

Diana had by, her brother a daughter, to whom they gave the name of Aradia [i.e. Herodias].
In those days there were on earth many rich and many poor.
The rich made slaves of all the poor.
p. 2
In those days were many slaves who were cruelly treated; in every palace tortures, in every castle prisoners.
Many slaves escaped. They fled to the country; thus they became thieves and evil folk. Instead of sleeping by night, they plotted escape and robbed their masters, and then slew them. So they dwelt in the mountains and forests as robbers and assassins, all to avoid slavery.
Diana said one day to her daughter Aradia:

p. 4
'Tis true indeed that thou a spirit art,
But thou wert born but to become again
A mortal; thou must go to earth below
To be a teacher unto women and men
Who fain would study witchcraft in thy school
Yet like Cain's daughter thou shalt never be,
Nor like the race who have become at last
Wicked and infamous from suffering,
As are the Jews and wandering Zingari,
Who are all thieves and knaves; like unto them
Ye shall not be....
And thou shalt be the first of witches known;
And thou shalt be the first of all i' the world;
And thou shalt teach the art of poisoning,
Of poisoning those who are great lords of all;
Yea, thou shalt make them die in their palaces;
And thou shalt bind the oppressor's soul (with power); 1
And when ye find a peasant who is rich,
Then ye shall teach the witch, your pupil, how
To ruin all his crops with tempests dire,
With lightning and with thunder (terrible),
And the hall and wind....

p. 4

And when a priest shall do you injury
By his benedictions, ye shall do to him
Double the harm, and do it in the name
Of me, Diana, Queen of witches all!
And when the priests or the nobility
Shall say to you that you should put your faith
In the Father, Son, and Mary, then reply:
"Your God, the Father, and Maria are
Three devils....
"For the true God the Father is not yours;
For I have come to sweep away the bad,
The men of evil, all will I destroy!
"Ye who are poor suffer with hunger keen,
And toll in wretchedness, and suffer too
Full oft imprisonment; yet with it all
Ye have a soul, and for your sufferings
Ye shall be happy in the other world,
But ill the fate of all who do ye wrong!"
Now when Aradia had been taught, taught to work all witchcraft, how to destroy the evil race (of oppressors) she (imparted it to her pupils) and said unto them:

When I shall have departed from this world,
Whenever ye have need of anything,
Once in the month, and when the moon is full,
Ye shall assemble in some desert place,
Or in a forest all together join
To adore the potent spirit of your queen,
My mother, great Diana. She who fain
Would learn all sorcery yet has not won
Its deepest secrets, them my mother will
Teach her, in truth all things as yet unknown.
And ye shall all be freed from slavery,
And so ye shall be free in everything; p. 6
And as the sign that ye are truly free,
Ye shall be naked in your rites, both men
And women also: this shall last until
The last of your oppressors shall be dead;
And ye shall make the game of Benevento,
Extinguishing the lights, and after that
Shall hold your supper thus:


4:1 Legare, the binding and paralysing human faculties by means of witchcraft.


Lewis, Donald (Rev.). Witch School First Degree. Woodbury: Llewellyn, 2010. Print.

The Gospel of the Witches. Web. 18 Oct. 2012.  <>

Willowroot, Abby. Aradia Maidne Moon. Web. 18 Oct 2012. < 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Personal Deity & Universal Deity

A personal deity is that which speaks to you and you acknowledge and connect to on a personal level. A universal deity is one that everyone knows of but does not necessarily talks to or worships. It doesn't make them any less valuable, it just means they are not the deity that you connect with on a personal level. 

A good example of a universal deity is the Christian god. This is a deity that many connect with but for me it just doesn't click. Granted, for most Christian's, god is a personal deity as well. For Wiccans, the universal deity would be Goddess as all worship her on some level, but many will have a specific, personal deity as well. My personal deity would be more along the lines of Mother Nature. In Greek mythos this would be Demeter, the Aztecs called her Toci, and the Celts Anu. 

I have always been drawn to nature. I would rather live in the country and be isolated than to live in a big city. Even when I have lived in the city, I have sought out natural areas, had patio gardens and many houseplants. I would go camping constantly, all to be closer to nature. 

It is essential for me to have nature around me. Without it I literally feel lost. As a child, when I had issues at home, I would escape to the woods and creek near my home. I always felt better after a walk in the woods or playing with the frogs and crawdads in the creek. Nature is my home. Without it I am nothing. I am lost. With it I am whole. I am grounded. I am happy. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Feedback on the Exercise Process

I wanted to take a few minutes and share with you how I am feeling about my progress on the exercises. I am now working on lesson 5 in the Correllian First Degree. I have spent every evening doing the exercises for the past 10 weeks. 

I have found them to be very helpful. I can feel them working and love the results. I have been very successful in keeping my aura strong and in ensuring that the negativity of others does not make it into my psyche. This is VERY relevant to me. I have had a habit of owning other peoples issues. It is a HUGE thing that I am not taking on their negativity and that I am actually better equipped to help them work through their issues. 

I love the feeling of cleansing. Now, I get tingly when I am cleansing. It starts at my head and moves into my fingers and toes. I feel when my psyche is cleansed. I feel it when I am grounding. I actually feel the aura growing stronger rather than just imagining the bubble getting stronger. When I do my chakra work, I feel it in each area. I feel it open and I feel it close. Although the chakras are a bit more difficult, I find some of my challenges becoming less pertinent. My communication has increased. My love for others has increased. My ability to think a variety of things through and communicate them clearly has increased. I have done nothing to change these things except to complete my assignments and work on creating positive energy while resisting negative energy. 

I've really enjoyed my journey thus far and look forward to the next 42 weeks. It's made such a difference already that I cannot imagine what things will be like then. Blessed be all. May Goddess bless you!

Monday, October 15, 2012

My Handmade Besom

So today I made my very own besom! I've wanted one for years, but since I've been working a lot with energy I felt I needed one for certain at this point. It was really quite easy and turned out to be very pretty, just the right height, and thickness! Too boot, it was a family affair!

Since today is the New Moon and the first one since my dedication ceremony, so I wanted it to be a really special day. I asked for that this morning during my prayers and guess what! I had a very special day so far! First, I ended up having the day off because I will be working a 16 hour shift Friday night to Saturday morning. Then, when I went to make the 2 tools I suddenly had undefined free time for my animals and husband got involved!

So here's how you do it... I started the day with cleansing, charging and shielding. Then off to WalMart to find the hemp cord. Lucky me, they had exactly what I wanted and cheap ($5 for a 133 yards)! I already had broom straw from a pagan festival I went to about a month ago. I paid $10 for a nice bundle of it. I just needed a stick. I had been searching for a stick for days because I wanted it to have a bend in it and be as natural as possible. I didn't want to use a dowel, but you could. The dog and I went looking for one the other day and had no luck on a 3 mile walk, lol.

When I got back from store, I decided to walk around the yard and have a look. The dog and the outside cat joined me. After walking the acre, we ended up in the big stick pile we keep in the very back corner awaiting chipping or decomposing, whichever comes first. As I stood looking at the pile, I eventually found my stick, lol. It was about an inch and a half in diameter and had a perfect little crook. My husband kindly made the cuts to the end of the Ash branch (what luck!) where I asked and I set about to work.

So to paraphrase, your supplies are:

- 4' stick or dowel, about an inch and a half in diameter
- Broom straw
- Hemp cord
- scissors
- extra set of hands is very nice

I began by cutting a three foot strip of hemp (start it from the center or you'll be sorry) and tied it to the stick, at the bottom. I then took a bundle of broom straw and placed the ends to the end of the broom stick, with the top of the straw facing up. Yes, that is counter-intuitive, but it really works!

I then wrapped the hemp cord around this one bunch (1/4 - 1/2 inch bundle) three times. As I made this broom I was very gracious minded and thankful for the supplies and the experience. I know that sounds kinda silly, but I want this besom to work very well so I wanted the entire process to involve Goddess.

I continued to add one bunch at a time, with the ends to the end and the tops to the handle, and wrapped the hemp three times. When I was nearing the end of the string, I simply left 3-4 inches on the end and tied it to the beginning string. I added a new 3' section of string and carried on adding straw and wrapping.

Once the first layer was wrapped evenly around the broom, I tied it off and got my husband to hold the bundle around the broom handle for me while I tied and wrapped a 3-4 foot piece around the entire broom, wrapping it until it was time to tie it off. Then I sat down and added a second layer of the broom straw around the entire broom, again one at a time, wrapping three times, and doing all with good intent.

Once the second layer was finished, I again had the husband hold it tight while I tied it and wrapped it again.

I then moved to the top of where the straw was no longer solid pieces and tied a second line of wrap to ensure stability. You need to be sure you have two tied off areas. One towards the bottom of the stick and one where you want the straw to bend over at. I wrapped it until I liked how it looked, being generous with the hemp.

Then, cut a 3 foot piece of hemp and tie it to the broom straw around the hemp that is already there. This should be at the top, where the straw will bend and you should tie it so that one side is short and one is nearly three feet long again.

Now begin bending the straw so the top of the straw is now at the bottom. Only take a quarter to a half inch of the straw at a time. Do this lovingly to avoid breaking the straw You will break some, but you want to be careful not to break many! Once it is bent over, again wrap the cord three times, with good intent. Continue this pattern, going around the broom, carefully. You have the cord wrapping technique down by now, so just keep going around the broom until all is finished.

Tie it off tight. Now, go down the broom a bit and wrap a new row of string. I did it until I liked how tight the top of the broom felt. I then went back to the top and wrapped over the ugly string until it was pretty, keeping it tight and ending it tight.

This is how it turned out... I'm quite happy with it! Knowing me it will adapt over time, but this is a very satisfying beginning. I wish I had done a step by step pics, sorry about that. I'll do that next time for sure! Now to finish my happy day!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Shielding Revisited

I talked about shielding a bit as my very first blog post. In that article, I explained that shielding is the art of strengthening your boundaries to prevent the absorption of negative energy. I thought I’d elaborate on the importance a bit more in depth this time around.

Negative energy is all around us. We may pick up negative energy at any time and from anyone. This could be moods or emotions seeping into our psyches and making us feel irritated, tired, sad, or depressed. Essentially, you pick up whatever negativity they have flowing out.

By shielding, you build a figurative wall that will act as a barrier for any negativity. Taking just a few moments each day will ensure you keep your aura healthy, your boundaries strong and allow you to only experience your own energy.

Shielding is a simple exercise and you will feel more empowered every day you complete the exercise. I prefer to do this in the morning, to be prepared for my day, but you may do this at any time of day.

(From this point on, is straight out of page 8 in Rev. Don's book.)

To begin, you should be in a comfortable position. Release all tension and anxiety.

Visualize a ball of white light floating above you. Focus on the energy of the ball; know that it is full of love, strength and peace. You really need to focus on this. You need to feel that this ball is full of love, strength and peace.

Now, let the energy from the ball flow down into you. The energy is a beautiful, pure, clear white light. No matter how much light comes into you, the ball will remain equally strong, as it originates from Goddess and is a source of boundless spiritual energy. Let the energy pour into you and flow through you. Let it flow through your arms, fingers, legs and toes.

Let the light expand beyond your body. See the light expand just a bit outside of your body. Allow it to grow little by little, until it forms a large oval around your body. Concentrate on the beautiful, oval of white light being full of love, strength and peace. Allow it to expand to a full six foot oval.

Now, in your mind affirm:

There is one power in the universe and
I am a perfect manifestation of that power.
As such, I will that the boundaries of my aura
shall be strong and healthy,
repelling all unwanted energy
while remaining open to positive and healing energy.
Safe within these boundaries, nothing can harm me,
for I am filled with the strength of the Goddess.
By my will, so mote it be – and it is so.

Now, let the visual image of the light dissipate, but know that its protection and strength remain with you. Finally clear and release all excess energy.


Lewis, Donald (Rev.). Witch School First Degree: Lessons in the Correllian Tradition. Woodbury: Llewellyn, 2010. Print.